Monday, June 14, 2010

Sweet review and auditions

So, I woke up the other morning to see a message from Wolfgang (Gestalt Publishing's editor-in-chief) with a link to an awesome review by Broken Frontier. It absolutely made my day;

      'A large part of the book’s success stems from the stellar artwork of Skye Ogden. Working in a slightly cartoony style, Ogden’s art is lively and leaps off the page without sacrificing a stunning attention to detail'

I don't think anyones been so kind about my work before. I consider the Rombies one shot lacking a little on the art side when compared to the series so I definitely have hope for it! Especially as the writer Tom Taylor has gone all out for us on this.
We were also interviewed by Decapitated Dan over at and you can read the whole thing here (it's probably my most lucid interview to date)
In other news, we have decided to offer people the chance to be included in the series as either a Zombie or a Citizen of Rome. All you need to do is get on over to our 'be a Rombies extra' Facebook page and upload a pic of you acting out one, the other or both (the chances of the Citizens becoming Zombies are high after all). as they start going into the book, I will be reposting some of them for all to see. And of course you will be published in the actual series which is, lets face it... kinda cool.

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